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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Saskatoon schools to resume class but no buses running

Saskatoon Public Schools says classes will resume on Tuesday for elementary and secondary schools, but noted that buses won’t be running.
Saskatoon saw a dump of snow over the weekend, affecting all roads in the city, which the school division says is impacting bus routes.
Sidewalks and entrances to schools have been cleared, but Saskatoon Public Schools added that parents should still be cautious if they decide to drop off their kids, as large snow banks can make it difficult to see kids crossing the street.
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools (GSCS) will also have its doors open Tuesday but no buses will be running, including the ones from Warman and Martensville.
“Bus services provided by Horizon (Humboldt) and Sun West (Biggar) School Divisions are running,” GSCS said.
The City of Saskatoon said all Priority 1 streets in the city should be graded by midnight on Monday, with Priority 2 streets finished by noon on Tuesday. Priority 3 streets are expected to be cleared by midnight on Thursday.
Many services in the city have been impacted, with leisure centres closed and transit services expecting delays.
